© All photographs and text by the author, John Wyatt, 2012, unless otherwise acknowledged
A bibiography of the varied work carried out by John whilst working as an ecologist in East Africa and Jamaica.
The daily activity of the elephant in the Rwenzori National Park, Uganda
African Journal of Ecology, Volume 12, Issue 4 , Pages273 - 289
1974 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Wyatt, J.R. 1983. The Biology, Ecology and Bionomics of the Squirrelfishes, Holocentridae.
Chapter 6 in Caribbean Coral Reef Fishery Resources (J.L. Munro, ed.). 1983. ICLARM
Studies and Reviews 7. Manila, Philippines: International Center for Living Aquatic
Resources Management. March
Wyatt, J.R. 1976. The biology, ecology and bionomics of the squirrelfishes, Holocentridae.
Res. Rpt. Zool. Dept. Univ. West Indies (3):1-41, 1976
Surface currents in the Eastern Cayman and Western Caribbean Seas.
Grant, C.J. and Wyatt, J.R. 1980. Bulletin of Marine
Science 30: 613-622.
The Caranx, Research Vessel of the University of the West Indies, Jamaica
President Idi Amin of Uganda visits the Queen
Elizabeth National Park, and Mweya Lodge.